Trump passes up opportunities to spell out his economic plans

When asked specifically how he would reduce prices as promised, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump responded by claiming that Democratic nominee Kamala Harris was incapable of answering such a question.

Speaking in an interview that aired Sunday on Sinclair’s syndicated “Full Measure With Sharyl Attkisson,” Trump vowed to quickly bring energy and food prices down, but chose instead to focus on Harris instead of providing the specifics about his plans that Attkisson sought from him.

“First of all, she can’t do an interview,” Trump said of Harris. “She could never do this interview because you ask questions like, Give me a specific answer. She talks about her lawn when she was growing up,” before shifting to speaking about Russian President Vladimir Putin and the impact of the ongoing Ukraine war on energy prices.

When asked again by Attkisson to offer practical details of his promise to reverse inflation, Trump responded: “They come down with energy and they come down with interest rates. We’re going to get, as I told you, we’re going to get energy down by 50% in 12 months. We’re gonna have it. It’s gonna be a major smash on energy. If you look at the energy for, and I’m not just talking about cars. I’m talking about air conditioning, heating, your basic energy, operating a bakery, operating any kind of a business — it’s all having to do with energy. That was where they started wrong.”

In the wide-ranging interview, Attkisson also asked Trump about the practical implications of deporting millions of undocumented immigrants, as he is saying he will do. She noted, for instance, that some adults have children born in the United States who are therefore legal American citizens.

Trump acknowledged that any mistakes in deportations could lead to bad publicity, but said the focus would be on removing the many criminals that he claimed other countries have “dumped into” the United States.

“The way you phrase it is exactly right,” the former president said. “You put one wrong person onto a bus or onto an airplane, and your radical left lunatics will try and make it sound like the worst thing that’s ever happened. But we’re getting the criminals out and we’re gonna do that fast. And we know who they are.”

Trump said that it will be easy to round up foreign criminals in America because the local police know of them and know “their serial numbers.”

The interview also discussed threats to American democracy and to Trump himself. In the wake of a second assassination attempt last weekend, Attkisson asked Trump if he is ever afraid of being killed.

“I can’t be scared,” Trump said, “because if you’re scared you can’t do your job.”

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